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Catch up time

This weekend is Whole Earth Festival. Yeah! Its lots of fun to see the crazy hippies come out of the woodwork and sell their goods. I love the live music and drum circles, the handmade hemp clothing and babies being strapped to their moms. I love our midwife booth....the photos of powerful naked women birthing their babies in the absence of doctors.

Tuesday i find out if i am going to be adopting two more children into our family. I may have to start from the beginning someday soon and share my experiences over the last few months, but for now, suffice to say, that it has been some of the hardest work i have ever done in my life. I feel so blessed and so exhausted and emotionally drained. Our 18 mo old, Kasi, has rocked my world. I have found the food issues and attachment issues that push me to my limits, but where i end, the grace of God has truly only begun. The crying, the screaming, the power struggles, the lack of eye contact, the possessiveness, the prayers, the hitting, the lack of boundaries, the testing, and then finally the smiles, the hugs, the trust she is building have all served to bring her close to our hearts. I am praying the county social workers, the state adoptions worker, and others involved do not see us as wishy-washy, but rather responsible, good parents who really take the decision to adopt very seriously.

I will keep you updated....


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