Once again, I am changing gears. Once again, I have done some inner reflecting and seek to get a step closer to fulfilling my biggest goals and desires. Once again, I have a gracious God who has rescued me from the mire and muck and has created or continues to create in me a 'clean heart.'
First, without getting too overwhelmingly personal, let's just say the inner healing has taken a huge leap forward and I am feeling completely healed from the past! Wow. I now enjoy the freedom to live in the present both through the ability to recognize situations from a healthier perspective and can focus on the blossoming process that will carry me toward becoming all that I can for Christ.
As Adelina begins kindergarten this fall, I have felt an approaching window in my near future as well. This is an opportunity to reinvent myself, follow those passions, dive into my strengths, and relish in the adventure of not seeing around the bend. Resting on the faith in a really, really big "Abba" Father who totally has my back, allows me the ability to see what i am made of, not in the sense of how strong I am or if i can swim as opposed to sink, but rather to dig deep within and pull out the buried treasure that He put inside a long time ago.
For the past year, I have been volunteering at the local International House, a non-profit that connects people that come to Davis and the University from around the world. I 'teach' a weekly English Conversation class where my students and I find common ground and discuss whatever topic surfaces for the day. The levels of English vary as much as the perspectives and accents from around the world. I have had as many as 13 countries represented on any given Friday morning! Over the year, my weekends approaching, nothing has served to energize me more than give a positive perspective of my city, my beloved Northern California, my Country...and even at times, my beliefs.
In addition, I have begun taking classes online! I am learning to become an Independent Educational Consultant, where I will aid prospective college students to find a 'good fit' or college match. My current goal is to help domestic high school students and international students from around the world find a place they can grow and thrive while in college! I am learning about the admissions process, the financial aid nuances, and how to really add value to a family as they make this important and often costly decision. By the end of the year, I hope to have a business entity, a website, some experience under my belt ,and my first clients!
One of the exciting things about this career is the ability to travel! I will be attending conferences, visiting colleges/universities around the country, and hope to start globe trotting soon. First stop: Denver, Colorado next week as I join my husband on a business trip. I will begin my official college visits there as I begin to continue on this huge learning curve and seek to carve out my own place in the business world.
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