During my first pregnancy, i devoured any information given to me about pregnancy, birth, and newborns. I LOVED Lamaze. I studied the fetal development in detail over and over, completely amazed at the changes going on inside me. I anxiously awaited that fateful day. And then it came. I had a doctor appointment that morning and was told to 'go home, pack my bag and head to the hospital'. I was immediately disappointed that i was already missing out on spontaneous labor pains or my water breaking. I was *gasp* "OVERDO!" Before reading further, please understand that I consider my first birth to be EXTREMELY oppressive. I realize that I sound very much a like a raging feminist when it comes to birth, and I will admit that I have much in common with feminists when it has to do with the rights of women during their births, motherhood, and the way allopathic medicine is practiced in our capitalistic, patriarchal society. However contradictory, (aren't we all in some w...
My attempt to tell good stories, offer advice, but for you to definitely relish in your own sanity.