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New Years Resolution

Long time no type.

So the year has been off to a slow start. One kid sick, then another, then my husband, then me. Usually by the first week or so of January, i have usually written an extensive list of goals i would like to accomplish, normal, daily resolutions, who i would like to be by the end of the year. You know, workout, eat healthier, etc. This year, i am taking a new approach.

My only resolution is to leave the country, preferably more than once. I will most likely begin with Mexico, my sister plans to get married there this summer, but my sincere wish is to finally become fluent in Spanish. I practice, now and again, with whom ever or what ever will speak with me, but I hope to find myself blissfully enrolled in a language immersion least for a couple of weeks. That means finding a child arrangement, obtaining passport, coordinating finances,etc. Heck, when you're 22 its much different to get out of responsibilities then when you are mother to four, wife to one, and burdened by enough guilt to keep you paralyzed from actually booking the flight.

This year kicks off a new decade, too, and i plan to capitalize on that by exploring some different career paths that i hope will stick. Midwifery, although noble, doesn't offer the ability for explosive growth and eventual autonomy the way i had envisioned. I feel drawn to less controversial parts of myself. The passion i feel for natural birth is layered with too much emotion for me. I have passions that flow deep that have yet to be explored and remain covered gems that await discovery. International travel, business, design, and entrepreneurial leanings have been a part of my makeup for untold decades. For now, i am only going to commit to following my bliss, as they say, I am subscribed to several language podcasts in both Spanish and French.

Some things are obvious. I live with foreign students, i practice Spanish often, I am drawn to being a life-long learner in this area. Do i want to teach? Do i want a graduate degree in the subject? I have no idea. But i do know i want to travel, and learn, and continue to meet people from all over the world. What does that sound like to you?

Life has many twists and turns. I enjoy the ride. As i grapple with family life, my own dreams, aging, and discovering myself, i hope that you can relate or we can come to new levels of wisdom in our lives and eventually feel we have fulfilled our potential as women, wives, and mothers.


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