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New Subjects I anticipate writing about...

Okay. Where to start?

I officially became a student midwife in January! I sat in the first class and decided that this was exactly where i was meant to be. I cried all the way home, FINALLY able to identify myself officially as "Student Midwife." The class ended in April, and now i am now my own to study (yeah, right!) in order to finish the cirriculum needed to finish the journey.

Thanks to the study group i attend, I found out about a local midwife practice looking for an apprentice. Since one of them happened to be my midwife, i figured I had a good chance. After an interview, i was accepted, along with another fellow student midwife as her apprentices. I began apprenticing last week. WOW. Surreal, let me tell you. So far, I am in love with their clients and wish already they were my clients. I have gotten to feel their babies and listen to heart tones and anticipate with them the arrival of their biggest joy.

Foster kids: The reason i am behind on this blog is that i have spent the last 3 months adjusting to my foster babes. And adjustment is hardly the word. Only a month or two in, we were given the option to adopt. Scarred to death and not certain, we have told them no... Since asked the question we have been on an emotional roller coaster due in part to sleepless nights, no more sleeping in on weekends, overall exhaustion, frustration, changes in our work and home environment, and inability to resume normal life. Yet finding ourselves in love and with a love that has been growing (albeit slowly at times), but surely growing and developing until only TODAY do we feel that we cannot stomach their departure. Now with a four month old who coos at us and smiles and kicks so vigorously with delight, and a 17 month old whom we've taught so much about how great the world can be, we feel like the new additions not only will fit in, but were meant to be here all along.

Pretty soon, I'll be blogging about my adopted children. wow.


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