Today has been an interesting day. The whole week, for that matter. Through a chain of events I never anticipated, I have added two more to my clan. Yes, six. So it happened like this: I am at a friendly BBQ with my son and his friends and meet a fellow mom at the party who is a judge. She plants a seed: She says I should be a foster mom for "emergency babies" know, those babies who they are trying to place with a relative, but are waiting for clearance. SHORT TERM. Two days to two weeks. I think, "Yeah, right." Maybe in some distant future. Did I mention i have a sister-in-law who works for CPS?? So my OTHER sister-in-law decides to have her baby at home, (YEAH!) and has a midwife who is both a foster mom and a midwife. WOW. I am in awe. During the birth i see that she is completely normal, (not crazy) and appears to be okay. I also learn of two local moms who have gone the foster parent route in order to adopt. Three months later I decide to "inquire...
My attempt to tell good stories, offer advice, but for you to definitely relish in your own sanity.