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Showing posts from January, 2009

New Mom

Today has been an interesting day. The whole week, for that matter. Through a chain of events I never anticipated, I have added two more to my clan. Yes, six. So it happened like this: I am at a friendly BBQ with my son and his friends and meet a fellow mom at the party who is a judge. She plants a seed: She says I should be a foster mom for "emergency babies" know, those babies who they are trying to place with a relative, but are waiting for clearance. SHORT TERM. Two days to two weeks. I think, "Yeah, right." Maybe in some distant future. Did I mention i have a sister-in-law who works for CPS?? So my OTHER sister-in-law decides to have her baby at home, (YEAH!) and has a midwife who is both a foster mom and a midwife. WOW. I am in awe. During the birth i see that she is completely normal, (not crazy) and appears to be okay. I also learn of two local moms who have gone the foster parent route in order to adopt. Three months later I decide to "inquire...

The Toddler Blog

Toddlers are funny creatures. This just occurred to me, actually. Well, for the millionth time. I have my FOURTH one (Hard to believe, I know, even for me) and she says, "Mommy, I have to go potty." You see, we did the whole EC (elimination communication) thing and she has been wearing panties since before her second birthday. But that is not the subject of this blog (stay tuned for future blogs on the subject). It is that toddlers are funny....and that occurred to me as she was skipping her way back to the bathroom wearing her one piece brown polka dot bathing suit (backwards, of course). Even as i write, she has dug out the bottoms of her 2 piece and is currently naked. Keep in mind, although it is an unseasonably warm winter here in Northern California, it is January. She insists upon pink most of the time. Pink egg shakers in music class, pink clothing, pink stuffed doggies in a bag at the toy store, pink strawberry shortcake nightgown, pink bows and hairthings, pink eve...

Homeopathy Experiment

Adelina has chicken pox. At two and a half, that is not such a bad thing, but i have lost some sleep over the last week because of it. You see, i co-sleep, and heat makes it worse, so her little warm, itchy body would wake up, ask for water and then scratch. Meanwhile, I have had some mild Adult acne for a number of years. About six (before and after the last pregnancy) i believe. A dear friend mentioned i should try some homeopathic cell salts. After a bit of research, i bought the combo remedy she recommended: Hyland's Bioplasma cell salts. After about a month, i noticed a HUGE difference. I was thrilled! I decided that since i was having all this luck with homeopathy, why not try it on Adelina? The right remedy literally jumped out at me on the stand. Hyland's HIVES remedy. I read the bottle, it didn't say anything about chicken pox, but i decided to bring it home and research it a bit more. At home, i looked up all the funny sounding names and nearly all of them were ...

Tempting your tastebuds

Okay, newest blog on the net. Feel free to subscribe. Subjects will include...mothering, parenting, disciplining, cooking, baking, reading, exercise, midwifery, my journey to midwifery, tales of a pregnant teen....after she grew, single motherhood, married life, toddlers, newborns, foster parenting, foreign exchange student hosting, life in the coffee shop, doula-ing, teens and last but not least, me. I am happy to answer questions you may have about any of the above subjects and hopefully i will be a place on the net that you have to bookmark...either to get some off-the-wall advice, a second opinion, or just a good belly laugh. My disclaimer is that nothing on this site is intended to take the place of good medical advice. I will be stating my opinions and personal experiences. My qualifications include: Being a mom for 17 yrs., having had both my own hospital and homebirths (including waterbirth), being at the side of over 50 women while they have given birth in hospitals, h...